2023 So Far... - Woodbury House
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2023 So Far…


We’re halfway through 2023, and what a year it has been so far.

We are incredibly proud of all of the achievements of the Woodbury House team these first six months of the year, which have been busy, exciting and unforgettable.

It has been a great pleasure and honour to have hosted four original exhibitions in our flagship gallery, ‘Mr Wonderful’ by Richard Hambleton, ‘The Return of the Rat’ by Blek le Rat, ‘Spiritual Language’ by DEFER and our latest and current exhibition which brings together four of the greatest pioneers of the street art movement, ‘Stencils, Shadows & Strokes: Urban Art Unleashed’. Other notable highlights include visiting LA at the start of the year and welcoming both Blek le Rat and DEFER to London.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support us along our journey. Here’s to an equally exciting remainder of the year!

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